

Movie (loan period 7 days): 20 SEK per film
Game (loan period 14 days): 20 SEK per game

Overdue fees

Per media: 2 SEK per day
Quick loan: 20 SEK per day
Course Literature (7 days): 10 SEK per day
Movie: 20 SEK per day
Game: 20 SEK per day
Children's book: 0 SEK per day
Lost library card: 10 SEK
Maximum amount per media: 50 SEK
Maximum amount for movies and course books: 275 SEK
Maximum amount per total returned item: 250 SEK
If the invoice is sent, we take out a collection fee of 50 SEK
No overdue fees for children's loans

Charge for lost or damaged media

Adults’ book: 300 SEK
Children’s book: 125 SEK
Music CD: 150 SEK
Music tape: 100 SEK
Periodicals: 50 SEK
Audio book: 300 SEK
Games: 600 SEK
Board games: 300 SEK

For material worth more than SEK 400, the charge is the actual cost, while the charge for videos, DVDs and CD-ROM is decided per case. For inter-library material, the charge will be determined by the lending library. Library users who owe the library SEK 200 or more in overdue fees or SEK 2,000 or more for unreturned books may be refused further loans until full payment has been made or an installment plan has been set up. Library visitors and users who have seriously abused borrowing rights or infringed against library regulations may be barred from future use by the head of the library or library unit for up to 6 months.